music mp3 player

Friday, June 2, 2017


Soon all those that i have strong bonds will soon disappear into a vast memory.  Soon i will be alone.  Soon i will rise.  Soon i will shine.  Soon is not soon enough.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

My Dream

Here is a link to some songs I covered. Please give feedback what i can improve on or song suggestions. Thank you!

Dr. Preston

I just want to share that I feel Dr. Preston is one the best teachers I've had yet. He's helped me to not think like others and think about my own opinions. Thank you Dr.Preston.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


We can consider music to be literature because literature is an creative piece from a culture. The difference between raps,poems,opera,and a novel is the author. Also how the audience accepts the piece.

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Sound Of Thunder - Response

I enjoyed this story, it has suspense and i love themes that have to do with altering or visiting the past. I had a question though, did everyone become stupid because he killed a butterfly? What the hell. I guess its the little things that make the big difference. All in all i enjoyed the story and how it helped me vision the scene.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


  All Ideas are welcome. Comment your quotes, beliefs, or just thing that you would like to see in the track/song. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


"Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its members." AH

Friends doing stupid stuff. u gonna agree or tell the truth.

Capitulate=give in.

"To be great is to be miss understood."

"We but half express ourselfs, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents."